Slow and Steady

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Turn Around: Into My Own

Into My Own
One of my wishes is that those dark trees, 
So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze, 
Were not, as 'twere, the merest mask of gloom, 
But stretched away unto the edge of doom. 
I should not be withheld but that some day 
Into their vastness I should steal away, Fearless of ever finding open land, 
Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand. 
I do not see why I should e'er turn back, 
Or those should not set forth upon my track 
To overtake me, who should miss me here And long to know if still I held them dear. 
They would not find me changed from him they knew-- 
Only more sure of all I thought was true. 
~Robert Frost
Wednesday HUMP day sounds funny, but like an out and back run it marks the turn around to the work week. It's been a short week so far since we had Monday off from work. I am still sick and wish I could call in sick to work, but it is just not in the cards, too much going on. Yes I know I am dispensible and the world will still turn even if I don't show up, but I feel like I would be burdening my peers this week when I can really just tough it out. 

I went with a long quote today by chosing one of my all time favorite Frost poems. Yes I know, I love his work way too much, but it's my blog so I guess I get to make the rules. All weekend I read so many inspirational posts about why people run, TRI and/or blog. I read about people judging eachother, judging themselves, trading healthy eating and fitness tips and sharing experiences. I love blogland and truly feel it has helped me come into my own. If you have read any posts in the last few weeks then you already know my role as wife, mother, friend etc is soaring to new heights. My fitness is the best its been in years, my weight looks good on me and I am really feeling like things are falling into place at work. One of my favorite things is leadership and team building. My current boss is so supportive of an improved office morale that he adopted my idea for a team activity to be used office wide. This year we are going to do "Quarterly Quotes" and the first quarter the quote is:  
Positive Energy Nets Positive Results
The idea being to own the work that we get and not focus on whether it had previously been mishandled, which employee or office maybe passed the buck and just own the assignment and see it as an opportunity to make it better. Instead of judging our peers, make an earnest effort to elevate each other through positive learning exchanges and vocal positive reinforcement. That is not to say we have any of these problems in the office. I am a firm believer in being proactive, why wait until there are problems to promote team building. I think the most successful teams are the ones who are constantly striving to better themselves no matter how successful they already are. I have some draft ideas for future quarters and smaller scale activities for each quarter to keep the momentum going. Doing these types of things are so ME, it is what I enjoy. So that brings me back to the poem I am feeling so much more "sure of all I thought was true" and it sure shows in my home, health and work life.

Why I Kick A$$: Because I am a natural born leader.
Thankful Three:
  1. For Pancakes at 10:50 PM
  2. For a Hubby who will eat pancakes with me at 10:50 PM (Monday night)
  3. For in laws who invite us over for dinner so we don't have to think about what to make


Anonymous said...

What are you doing up at midnight?

Kevin said...

I love breakfast for dinner. My wife thinks eating breakfast for dinner breaks the 11th holy commandment.


Christi said...

Great idea for work! I think I would really like working for you!

Melissa said...
