Slow and Steady

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Tidbit: Breathe

To live is not breathing it is action.
~Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Today was so full of action, that if breathing wasn't automatic, I would have forgotten to do it. I went to bed late last night after a great Krav Maga workout and some additional core work. I had to open the office today and barely crawled in there at 7:00 AM with no make-up on. Then at work it was go, go, go and no lunch until about 3:00. Bad idea. I worked 9+ hours picked up the Bug from the sitter, hit the grocery and then made home made pizza's with my Duder (3). It was a fun night, too fun to remember to take pictures, boo. At some point at the dinner table I looked at my husband, eyes glazed over and said I need 10 minutes. He gave me about 20. I just need to lay down and "rest my eyes." My boss isn't a slave driver, I just let myself get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the first week of the New Year...a busy time at work in general. So here I am 10:00 PM taking this opportunity to complain. Tomorrow? Looking forward to my Krav Maga workout...I need to get a run in since I didn't do anything today. Downside for today? Missed my TRI club's meeting-bike workout. Upside for today? Getting 20 minutes to decompose decompress.

Why I Kick A$$: There are some things I just make look easy, ashamed to say I waste it (slacker), but I am naturally good at alot of things.
Thankful Three
  1. Kid friendly cooking
  2. A hubby doing the CORE workout stuff with me...I like that we're both sore
  3. My new sneakers: Super Hubby saw them and said they were SCREAMING my name

Yes the background of the sneaker photo is the start of my vision board. Stay tuned for a post about my attempt at creativity and visualization via a vision board.  


Pahla said...

Can't wait to see the finished vision board!

The Turtle said...

I love those shoes!

Laura said...

I like the idea of decompressing. I keep saying I will do something along these lines - i.e. meditating or yoga even just for 10-15 min per day...but I never do. Hmmmmm...

Christi said...

Decompressing is a great thing! I love the creativity board. I need to do some things myself