Slow and Steady

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday: Stylish, Me?!

Style is the mind skating circles around itself as it moves forward.
~Robert Frost
I am surprised and honored that someone as super cool as Amanda HERE found me to be worthy of a Stylish Blogger Award, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy" said in my really stylish Wayne and Garth voice. 

Here’s how being *stylish* works, there are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:

1.  Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
3.  Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
4.  Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!

I am mostly following the rules, some of my 11 bloggers aren't recently discovered, just people I would love to learn more about. Oops did I say 11, yeah, well I went over.
And now on with the show:
1. I am the slowest reader ever, but still think it was a past-time I was destined for.
2. When I went away to college my sophomore year I weighed 172 lbs. and when I graduated I was 222 lbs. My husband has literally stuck with me through THICK and thin. Here is a picture of me and my nephew at my grad party, face round, arms full, but I think 50 pounds for a BA degree is not a bad trade off. Good thing the deal for my Master's was to lose the weight.
3.Before I was a runner, I was a basketball player. Long, lean and mean in the post.
4. I had some serious hair issues in Junior High, who didn't right? Am I alone here?
5. I was named after Sophia Loren. My sisters got family names, I got Sophia Loren. Yeah, my dad thought she was the stuff, maybe that is where I get my inflated level of confidence, I was meant to be hot stuff.
6. When Super Hubby and I got married, we skipped the traditional music and play Star Wars Sound Track Songs. The guys walked into to yoda's theme, the girl's to Leah's theme and I walked in to Throne and Finale, it actually starts out sounding like the wedding march

7.Super Hubby and I have an open relationship. Just kidding, actually this trip was our first to Italy so far. I was about 6-9 weeks pregnant. The trip was booked as a last hurrah before kids, who knew actually people get pregnant their first time "trying." Touching Giuletta's boobie in Verona is supposed to be good luck. My husband wanted a boy and we got the Duder. Guess that boobie works afterall.
Ok, now time for the tags, please post if you have time, if not my feelings aren't hurt as long as you know I think y'all are Super-Duper Stylish!
Average A at Diary of an Average Runner
P at Adventures of an Average Athlete
One Crazy Penguin
Meredith at Theraputicrunningsofamom
Molly at Imasleeperbaker
Kevin at HalfTri-ing 
Laura Live Well Laugh Often Run Much 

Why I Kick A$$: Duh, because I am so freak'n stylish that's why.
Thankful Three
  1. A three day weekend. Yes I know I have 2 days to go, but it feels like Friday since I'll be a FUN training tomorrow and Friday. I.HEART.PROFESSIONAL.DEVELOPMENT. no sarcasm, it's just really cool. 
  2. Sack lunch dinner, PB and J, orange slices and cheese sticks
  3. My little ones who were extra snuggly tonight


Julie said...

I loved this! It is always so fun to learn more about fellow bloggers. I had hair very similar to yours...looking back on those big hair days:) Take care!

Molly said...

thanks for the tag! I LOVE that you played SW music at your wedding!!!!

Wanna Be a Skinnie Minnie! said...

Love all your pictures! I had scary hair in JR High! Its ok! Thanks for the Stylish Blogger!

Amanda@runninghood said...

This is great! I loved learning more about you! :) We got prego the first try too. What a great pre kid trip!! so fun..I've always wanted to go to Italy. Hopefully someday. I love professional dev too. Your wedding sounds so cool and You kick ass for working so hard to lose weight and be healthy! Love it!

Kevin said...

Thank you for the award.


Pahla said...

I totally love that you had Star Wars music at your wedding - extra style points for sure!!
Thanks for the tag, maybe I'll dig up some super embarrassing pics, too.