Slow and Steady

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday: Self Defense

Self-Defense is Nature's eldest law.
~John Dryden

Yesterday was the last day of my physical therapy for my right knee bursitis and other ITB, hip strengthening sessions. Tuesday was my last day covering extra at work, like opening and closing the office more than normal, because most of my co-workers are back from holiday break. My evenings have mostly been dedicated to spending time with my family. I have really enjoyed it, but have also put off signing up for the Krav Maga self-defense class by doing so. The 3 month special that was in my price range, ends this week so I stopped by on my way home from PT and signed up. I will miss dinner with the family 2 nights a week and I am not sure Duder is going to be pleased with that, Super Hubby will miss me too and I am not sure The Bug quite notices things like that yet. At the same time, I really feel like this is an investment I need to make in myself.
Have you taken any self defense courses?
My Goals
1. To feel more confident in general, 
2. to feel safe when I am doing things alone or with just me and the kids 
3. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to trim up a bit in the core and arm areas of my body

The Plan: 45 minutes on Monday, Wednesday evenings and some Saturday mornings from January to March is now devoted to Krav Maga. Wish me luck!
Thankful Three
  1. For an amazingly supportive husband
  2. For pink hand wraps
  3. For little ones that miss me when I am gone


KovasP said...

Krav Maga looks like fun, and useful to boot!

Christi said...

You are going to have a great time with Krav Maga

Average Woman Runner said...

Great idea! Look forward to hearing about it.

Amanda@runninghood said...

So cool that you are taking a self defense class. I can see how that can be empowering! Excited to hear how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Krav Maga - is that a heavy metal band from Europe?