Slow and Steady

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hump Day--weekend line up.

Ugh, I made it, actually more than made it.... tomorrow is my Friday! So this weekend is the the Avenue of the Giants and surprise, surprise I am a bit undertrained. Not to fret bloggy blog friends, I am just exited to participate. If you haven't scoped out the the website you MUST check it out. Just the views are going to be amazing so why rush it by running so fast :) I plan to run/walk and hope to finish in close to 3 hours. I went out for a walk/run today. After 7 miles I was soooo ready for more. Like, I wanted to keep going until my body said to stop. It felt amazing!! I can only liken it to the "nesting" energy I got with my 2nd pregnancy. The only reason I stopped at 7 was to hurry home to the family, who incidentally didn't need me right away when I got home, so the hubby sent me on a bike ride. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. I am so thankful for my partner who got me out there, wish I had her for Sunday.

The weekend line up......

  • Grandparents are pitching in and taking care of the kiddos and the animals.
  • Friday's drive will include wine tasting and yummy restaurants & bakeries.
  • Fort Bragg, I love cold coastal areas and fried food so it is sure to be a good time.
  • Saturday, more Fort Bragg and my hubby assures me that he will take a short run with me to loosen up the legs for Sunday's run.
  • Sunday, the big day! Looking forward to finishing, NOT looking forward to the drive back.
Monday, a wonderful day off, with kids still scheduled to go to the sitters/day care. What does that mean for me? It means hopefully sleeping in a little, Starbucks, a pedicure and lunch with the hubby. This is totally a ME weekend, so we'll do Sushi (his favorite).

3-Changes Challenge Update:

  1. Going strong with no eating after 8:00
  2. Getting better with the no more than 2 days between workouts
  3. Need to make a better daily Ab effort
Thankful 3

  1. Thankful for my 2 hours of exercise today with a partner
  2. Thankful for grandparents who like taking care of their grandkids
  3. Thankful for a re-freshed gym bag


Christi said...

Good luck this weekend! I hope you have a great time and enjoy all the "me" time!

RunToTheFinish said...

seems like you have a good plan in place to take in the views!! Great job on not eating after 8