Slow and Steady

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Five: Head in the Clouds

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. ~Lord Byron 

Still in a super-fantastic mood! I love that things have turned around and nothing has changed but my attitude. Sometimes that is all it takes, smile instead of frown, turn sour subjects sweet and know that life is what we make of it.
  1. I have today off, yippee!
  2. I went to a Free Master's swim group and got video taped. I learned to swim strokes when I was about 11 and at the time is was this funny S thing under water. Did you know that is antiquated? Yeah, I didn't either. I was told that we are supposed to have our arms become human paddles. I corrected this and got some good critique I can build on this winter.
  3. I am not committing to anything quite yet, but in my quest to strengthen my core, I also want to factor in some weight loss/tummy toning for purely vain reasons. My legs look freak'n awesome and are certainly a size 10, however, my tummy isn't budging and thus I continue to wear size 12's and have baggy pants around the tush and legs. Should I get my pants tailored? Um, nope! I am going with lose the tummy, what do you think?
  4. Physical therapy went really well this week. I sold my Honda Pilot on Wednesday and was forced to ride my bike to work on Thursday. I hate that I am slow on the uptake. I have been talking about riding my bike to work all summer and never did. Now I realize how much speedier my rehabilitation might have been (still working on it) if I had rode my bike to work for cardio and exercise for my right knee bursitis. Hind sight is 20/20
  5. Ok ladies and gentleman be jealous. I am going to the McCloud River, pretty much a flyfishing mecca in Northern California. We have a babysitter, I have 3 books and my husband has his fishing rods. Gonna be a nice time to relax and enjoy seriously one of the most beautiful places in the United States.

I'll catch you bloggy bloggers Sunday, have a great weekend and don't forget to enter my first giveaway HERE

Thankful Three
  1. A great swim work out this morning, I am coming to appreciate form more and more
  2. Family support so I can spend time alone with my husband
  3. Luna Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein bars, soooo good


Christi said...

Wow, what a gorgeous looking river! I hope you and your husband have a great weekend.

Julie said...

Okay Lady your enthusiasm is contagious! It sounds like life is good for you:) I have been feeling a little bit of the post marathon blues but this post makes me smile!

I have never been flyfishing but would love to try! That area looks so awesome peaceful place to read a few books:)

Oh, and I love that opening quote! Take care!