Slow and Steady

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Summary: Ready for the Weekend

Oh the nerves, the nerves; the mysteries of this machine called man!  
Oh the little that unhinges it, poor creatures that we are!  
~Charles Dickens

Much of this was for my Friday post that because of technical difficulties, did not get posted. Friday started fantastically and  ended with me in bed at 11:15 PM having a little anxiety. The play-by-play.
1. I had the day off. I kinda slept in after having a couple beers with friends Thursday night. I am such a lush. Seriously, 2 pints and I didn't even finish the second. It didn't hit me until after dinner either as a swooshed away on the commuter train. Back to Friday....Super Hubby left for the big Lake Tahoe boys Super Bowl trip. It always gives me anxiety when he leaves.
2. I love Target. I love Valentine's Day. I love pay day. this what happens when I shop for valentines things at Target on pay day:

3. Here are a few necessities I picked on for the weekend trip, which I'll blog about in detail tomorrow.

4. Before Super Hubby left on Friday we got to have a little lunch date, we LOVE sushi Fridays.

5. Friday's are usually reserved for Father-Son treats after school before they pick up the Bug from the sitter. I had to fill in, I think I did pretty well.
After ice cream we thought it might be a good idea to go with our Babysitter and her daughter to Chuckie Cheese. BAD.IDEA. OMG. I hate it there. Or at least hate it with two little ones I am trying to keep track in the midst of kids running around chaotically without parental supervision. Part of the reason I was so anxious Friday night was that I was on sensory overload from Chuckie Cheese and still tense watching my little ones making sure no "strangers would steal them." How were all these other parents not concerned about this? They stamp parents and kids at the door with a unique code that can only be seen under black light so that no one can leave with your kids. While most people were feeling safe and not watching their kids, I couldn't help focusing on the fact that they have this policy for a reason.

Why I Kick A$$: Because I care enough about myself to take both Friday and Monday off even though they were/are not officially part of the fantastic girls weekend you'll get to hear about tomorrow.

Thankful Three:
  1. Babysitters-Mom, niece and in-laws made girls weekend happen
  2. For Sales. Scored a pretty pencil skirt and sweater dress at 60% off each. After tax $30 total.
  3. For heart shaped strawberry marshmallows


2 Slow 4 Boston said...

With all that food you just featured, you should also mention the workout you plan on doing for a calorie neutral day. JK

Christi said...

What a great weekend! I avoided Chuckie Cheese like the plague when my son was little!

Amanda@runninghood said...

This makes me want to eat more sushi! Or learn how...I'm such a fake sushi eater...california rolls don't count do they? :)