The older you get,
the tougher it is to lose weight because by then,
your body and your fat are really good friends.
If you don't want to read a mommy rant, skip to the Friday Five below.
- Get a hair cut
- Get to the post office to mail a gift I have had since March
- Get to the mall to get a gift for his aunt and go to the post office to mail said gift
- Buy a new shirt for work
- Get a pedicure (maybe)
- Get to the bike shop to get clip in pedals and cycling shoes
- Get to Costco to do an eye exam for contacts
Ok, now on to Friday Five. On Tuesday at our monthly TRI club meeting a member who happens to be a physical therapist or sports physiologist or something like that? Anyway, our team member did caliper/skin fold testing for us to calculate our body fat percentage. In case you are wondering, I am a pretty freak'n awesome 18.6%. Read below to make sense of this number.
- Body Fat Percentage is NOT the same at the number you get from the BMI chart in your doctors office. BMI is height and weight oriented and DOES NOT take in to consideration lean body mass. So people who are inactive and make poor health choice and are "skinny" are really, wait for it, geez I love this term, ok sorry-distracted, these "skinny" people are actually skinny fat! Don't you just love that term?! Two people 6'0 tall weighing 170 have the same BMI, but if one is an athlete and the other is completely sedentary, it is likely the athlete has a much better lean body fat percentage that reflects their body weight and more specifically what percentage is lean body weight. BMI doesn't draw a distinction.
- Body Fat Percentage can be measured several ways including skin fold/caliper testing. Within the caliper testing there are several strategies including a basic 3 measurement in the Jackson/Pollock 3 caliper method to the Parillo caliper method which takes 9 measurements.
- The most accurate Body Fat Percentage test is the hydrostatic, but caliper testing is 95% accurate vs hydrostatic Gold Standard which, in my uber not even amateur athletic status, works just fine. You can also test at home using a formula found on the Livestrong site HERE.
- Why am I so excited? Well my BMI number is 26.2 and considered overweight. My doctors have drilled in me the need to lose weight, despite my physical fitness and at one point in time I was considered obese. I always new this was wrong, but assumed it had everything to do with my HUGE rack and athletic build, but still thought there was something to the BMI thing and therefore let it feed my insecurities. I am not skinny, but sometimes let myself be fatter than I really am. So I was beyond thrilled to learn my body fat percentage is 18.6. What does this mean? See images below that show scale translation for both BMI and Body Fat Percentage.
- A little boost goes a long way, for me it was the wrong way. Learning I am leaner thnt I have given myself credit for, has open the junk food eating flood gates. It is actually quite amusing how I reacted to the news that while I am not skinny by any means, I am certainly NOT FAT. So what have I been doing? Eating fattening foods.
BMI Categories:
- Underweight = <18.5
- Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
- Overweight = 25–29.9
- Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Thankful Three:
- For new perspective on my overall body image/health/fitness
- For my sprint tri tomorrow
- For my husband, he has a knack for making my terrorist children (they are actually delightful) and my overwhelming mommy moments (truly moments and probably not that overwhelming) sound so easy to deal with. He must have Stockholm Syndrome.
You need a personal assistant or nanny!
BMI is crap.
18.5% is rockin.
Totally looked for you yesterday, but didn't see you! Found you in the results, though and you completely ROCKED IT!!! Congrats, I can't wait to read the race report!!
Woot Woot! Let's hear it for 18.5 :) I used the tool on Livestrong and was pleasantly surprised! Thanks for the link.
OK, so I visit your blog thinking I'll read about running, and I get the mommy melt down post. Actually, I can kinda relate, having 3 kids the oldest being 7.
I'm interested in body fat checks, sounds like yours is pretty good to me. I'm kinda skinny and my BMI is around 24.
Anyway, sounds like your hubby should watch you kids for you a bit more often, or have him cut your hair and mail your packages, etc. :-)
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