Slow and Steady

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Five: Damn Fool and the Secrets to Success

Everyman is a damn fool 
for at least five minutes a day; 
wisdom consists of not exceeding that.
~Elbert Hubbard

Ok, so I have been a damn fool for like 5 days. If it helps, I didn't realize there was a 5 minute rule. Thanks Mr. Hubbard. I know the recipe for success. Do you want to know what it is? I know this is going to shock you and I really should bottle it, sell it and be a billionaire... but alas I am too generous not to give this one away. Ready? When you want to be healthy, if you want to beat stress, if you want to be happy, if you want to be confident, if you want to be sexy and want everything else that is brilliant in life, this is what you do:
  • Get enough sleep
  • Hydrate
  • Smile
  • Eat when you're hungry (not bored, not emotional, like actually in need of food)
  • When you eat, make sure the food you eat serves a purpose. Food is fuel, the food pyramid isn't just a cute poster from elementary school. Oh, and twinkies aren't bad...a box of twinkies however, is not the best idea.
  • Exercise is great. Figure out a type you like and rock it out 3-7 days a week.
  • If you think you don't have time, stop reading my blog and spend the few minutes doing CORE work. We all have plenty of time to workout. Maybe not Biggest Loser 6 hour a day workouts, but 20-30 minutes is manageable so stop kidding yourself with the no time argument.
  • Enjoy something, anything. Family, cooking, reading, blogging. Just really love it.
  • Get over yourself. Me. Me. Me gets old. We are small, not insignificant, but small portions of a bigger world. Have a little perspective, it helps you be kind to yourself as well as being kind to others.
  • Be consistent. This is the hardest one, but seriously, no snake oil sales here. If you are consistent, you are successful. If you are consistently bad you will be successfully a lame-o. But if you are consistently doing your best and open to learning how to be better, then you will be successful. It is all in how you frame it.
Ok, now on to the real Friday Five.
  1. Had the best massage today. 1.5 hours of hot stone-deep tissue torture bliss.
  2. Half day at work was exactly what I needed. Pressure to get all my work done in half the time had me motivated and half day off helped me start this weekend with relaxation in mind.
  3. Tomorrow night is a girls slumber party night. Wine. Jane Austen Books turned movies and great company. Did I mention the wine?
  4. I have been visiting with grandma everyday. There have been late nights, an over-nighter and very little sleep trying to make the short trip out of town with these visits and still do my regular life. She is doing so well it doesn't seem like she is dying anymore. When I went to see her today she smiled brightly, looked around and clearly showed disappointment in the fact that I didn't bring my kids tonight. It was cute. So guess where the kids and I are headed after breakfast tomorrow.
  5. I am really looking forward to the next couple weeks. There will be lots of work pressure trying to squeeze 40 hours of work into short weeks. Next week I only work Monday and Tuesday. Some of my days off are for vacation and one is for someone who needs me for a day. The following week I am only working on site three days and two days at an awesome offsite overnight training. Sometimes switching things up is what it takes to keep you fresh in all aspects of life.
Why I Kick A$$: While I have not worked out in 5 days, it hasn't stopped me from carbo loading. Tortillas and Beer are my current coping mechanism.
Thankful Three
  1. Every moment I have with my grandma
  2. Friends
  3. Rice Krispy Treats made with strawberry marshmallows

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