Slow and Steady

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Going Public

So, this blog so far has been a way to get out some thoughts, the way people keep a diary. In keeping with that idea, I did not share this site with anyone, but my husband. Then someone randomly found my site and started following (Thank you). So for two months I have kept this blog a private/safe-haven for my thoughts. I think I am finally comfortable enough to start sharing. So tonight when I am done with this post, on Facebook this link shall go.

So what's new?
  1. Um, not taking Weight Watcher's seriously. After my pulled muscle and a weekend of family outings & food, I just let myself fall off the wagon. Seriously thinking about getting back on track tomorrow....I know, I know why not start now? Because the Oreos in front of me while blogging won't let me.
  2. I started reading my Run Less, Run Faster book, but have not finished yet. Good news is I am reading leisurely again after several months break. I Finished The Help and really enjoyed it. I'm currently reading The Wednesday Letters. I can't wait for my book club to get going again, first meeting back after 5 of us had Sept/Oct/Nov babies is this coming Thursday.
  3. My baby has embraced the 8 hour night and taken it to the next level. This past weekend I got 2 nights of 13+ hours of sleeping straight through the night. Thank goodness!
  4. I got the sports bras I ordered, Yay! Right? Wrong. They are not gonna work for me. Can I please get a follower who works for a major bra company who will come and custom make a sports bra that works? Hello? Anyone?
  5. This blog is strictly supposed to be about me, me, me, exercise, some home life and never work. But just this once, UGH! Did I say that right? UGH! I love my job. Love, Love, Love it. But some days, I tell you what. I really pride myself on my leadership abilities and when someone doesn't recognize my complete awesomeness, well let's just say it's like I am talking to a Martian. Complete awesomeness may be overstating it a bit, but it's my blog. I have pretty low self-esteem in most areas of my life, but leadership? Damn it, I think I am pretty good at that. Thanks, I needed to vent.
  6. I have not yet started the swim workouts. I don't really have a timeline as to when, but I should probably try and make it a priority now that I am getting sleep on a regular basis.
  7. I have been going to the gym and taking Spin class on Sundays and MMA on Thursdays. Yup, you read that right, MMA, as in mixed martial arts. No I have no talents in punching or kicking anyone, but the class is organized in a high school basketball pre-season conditioning format. It's jam packed with jump roping, crab crawls, squat jumpy things and someone yelling at you the entire time to do things Better, Faster and Stronger. It's quite nostalgic if I do say so myself.
  8. I went back to my trainer and have committed to a 1x a week work out. All I can say about that is, Ouch.
  9. My hubby took 3 days to go Lake Tahoe for his annual boys Superbowl weekend. I need to plan a girls weekend somewhere awesome.
  10. The Shamrock'n Half marathon sold out. I procrastinated on signing up. Can anyone say "Missed Opportunity?" Oh, well:) Now I just get to find a new run, one even more interesting than one that ends with green beer at the finish line. I am however registered for The Avenue of the Giants Half, pretty excited about this one.
I am glad to be blogging, it's been awhile. I hate sitting at this desk though. My job all week is to sit in an office chair in front of a computer. I am on a mission to get a lap top so that I can blog from the comfort of my couch or bed. I am certain I would blog more if I were more comfortable. I will probably be counter acting my effort to stop being a couch potato, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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