Slow and Steady

Monday, February 15, 2010

Way over budget

Ok, certainly the highlight of the weekend is my new MacBook. This is my first Mac so I am pretty excited to explore it's features. To validate this purchase I had to get online and share with my faithful followers (all four of you now, woo hoo!).

So what to say?

Wednesday Book Club/Girls night out at the Elephant Bar was super fun ...I swear we actually read. Two newbies came and both are fairly active. It was nice to hear about their interests in fitness and bond over mommy moments. I particularly like how we had a head lamp story in common. We talked about how the head lamp used to be for camping and early morning/late night runs. Now, we use our head lamps in bed to get some reading in without waking the husband or kids. Ha Ha, motherhood. Gear is good and so versatile!

Friday I took a few hours off from work because of some pre-planned child care issues. Lucky me, because not only did I get to hang out with by baby girl, I got to have sushi lunch with the hubby and go to the $.83 REI sale. Everything that ends in .83 is 50% off. I got new cycling capris, a couple sports bras, a really cute pair of TRI shorts and a fluorescent sleeveless vest. What is completely lame is I have not even taken my bike out for a spin yet this year and I am out buying gear.

I had a very nice family weekend. We took my son to the snow and he had a blast. For Valentine's Day I got flowers from both my boys (hubby & son) and a Star Wars music card to boot! Lucky me, my 2 year old let me read it (hear it) a bazillion times. My hubby made the most amazing dinner too, I was a complete glutton. Goodness, I am supposed to be losing weight and I am gaining. I went to the trainer last Monday and hadn't moved a single step since then until today at my trainer appt. Not a good start. I have a work meeting in a couple weeks I would like to slim down for. So before I allowed myself some play time on this new toy of mine, I made myself go for a run. It was 10:00 at night so I even got use out of that fluorescent jacket I bought Friday. The jacket is a Pearl Izumi and yes they probably would classify me as a jogger, but 50% off is 50% off. Ooh and I listened to my iPOD with my new iPhone workout arm band. Yes ladies and gentleman, I am now completely broke and have a nice little credit card payment to make....but totally worth it!

Ok, last thing. I learned something today that I hope I will use again. I had a choice to change up one of my practices. While I am effective at this practice there is room for efficiency. I looked at how both effectiveness and efficiency would be improved and ignored possible side effects. The reason I ignored the side effects was because something about them made the core of me feel funky. Sure enough I spent the week feeling anxious and couldn't figure out why. So today I listened to my intuition and decided that while more efficient and more effective sounded nice, the potential side effects or, "consequences" as the business world calls them, are just as important. The moment I decided that "if it ain't broke don't fix it," the anxiety completely went away. I have a job at work and a job at home as a wife & mother and sometimes I push toward efficient/effective when sometimes I should really weigh the side effects.

Good night bloggy bloggers and followers.

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