Slow and Steady

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Motivation: Best DNF ever!

Focus on the journey, not the destination. 
Joy is found not in finishing an activity but doing it.
Greg Anderson

So after some deep consideration, I opted out of my marathon on Sunday. I was a totally schizo about making the decision. There is a quote somewhere that indecision in time becomes the decision. I think I knew deep down I didn't want to run the marathon, but I had peer pressured myself into thinking if I didn't I would be the biggest loser of all time. This pressure was horrible and totally stressed me out. I didn't realize how stressed I was about this event until I decided not to do it. Well actually not to bail on the event completely, but to complete the half distance only. On Saturday morning I called the 800# on the website and with only 1 ring I got through to a live person. Kudos Nike! She said it was fine to bail early. She said I would get my Tiffany's necklace, a marathon shirt since the orders were placed back in April I couldn't have a half finishers shirt, and a finish time on the website. The only downside was not being listed as an official finisher since I did not complete the distance I registered for. D.N.F. This was my 2nd DNF, my first was at a TRI back in 2009 where my bike crank fell off and I couldn't do the ride. The Tiffany's swag for a DNF at the NWM was way better than the oreos & fruit at the TRI.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not that easy on myself that I would let myself off the hook for making a decision to do the half only. Nope, I thought at miles 3, 6, 9 and even 12 that I could totally rock 26.2. Good thing my body reminded me it wasn't the best idea. I had a little right knee bursitis that threatened to to flare up on the uphills between miles 6-8. On the downhills of 10 and 12 my left IT decided to protest, but not enough to sideline me.

On Saturday before I headed to the city my 4-yr old son gave me a penny for good luck and since I wasn't planning to win any races I snapped a few photos of me and my lucky penny. Ignore the slow time in the background. My unofficial half time was 2:44 and change. Lots of walking. Lots.

The Big Picture: If I was that relieved deciding I was going to do half vs. full, can you imagine how happy I could have been for the weeks leading up to the race when I knew I was not only under trained, but not on track to be even remotely ready. Making decisions equals a happier me.

Thankful Three
  1. For my brother-in-law and future S-I-L's couch the night before the race
  2. For my hubby who put up with my procrastination and drove to the race to pick me up
  3. For my mom who babysat last minute


Alyssa said...

You definitely, DEFINITELY made the right choice. As we say in our circle of runners: "Friends don't let friends run the full Nike Marathon." I hope you at least had an enjoyable time out there on the half, all crammed up with 29837109283 others. :) Great shots with the penny, too, by the way; so cute!


Christi said...

Great decision!